Zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes reveal the crustal evolution of the SW Angolan Shield (Congo Craton)

Ezequiel Ferreira, Jérémie Lehmann, José Feliciano Rodrigues, Ben Hayes, Enrique Merino-Martínez, Lorenzo Milani, Grant M. Bybee, Trishya M. Owen‑Smith, José Luis García-Lobón, Colombo C. G. Tassinari, Henriette Ueckermann, Kei Sato, Paulo Bravo Silva, João Correia, José Labaredas, Laurent Duarte, Mmasetena Anna Molekwa, José Manuel, Américo da Mata Lourenço Victorino

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3 Citations (Scopus)


The crustal evolution of the Angolan Shield (AS) remains poorly constrained. To address this, we analysed U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes in detrital and igneous zircons to investigate the age and provenance of extensive sedimentary strata in southwestern Angola and use it as a proxy to gain insight into the Archean to Mesoproterozoic evolution of the region. Mesoproterozoic maximum depositional ages for the Iona (<1323 ± 13 Ma), Ompupa (<1215 ± 13 Ma), and Cahama (<1184 ± 23 Ma) siliciclastics challenge previous correlations with the Paleoproterozoic Chela Group. Provenance analysis reveals that the Mesoproterozoic strata were derived internally from the AS. Our combined dataset indicates that the widespread Eburnean magmatism (∼2.05–1.93 Ga) resulted from reworking of Archean crust, possibly in collision orogens. A major increase in the εHf(i) and εNd(i) values at ∼ 1.87–1.73 Ga indicates a change in geodynamics, with magmatism of the Epupa–Namibe Metamorphic Complex (ENMC) generated in an extensional accretionary orogen at the southern margin of the Eburnean–Archean crustal block. Magmatism resumed in the Mesoproterozoic (∼1.56–1.50 Ga), with suprachondritic εHf(i) values indicating significant juvenile addition. The Kunene Complex (KC: ∼1.50–1.36 Ga) anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite magmatism displays variable εHf(i) and εNd(i) values, consistent with mixing between reworked ENMC-crust and juvenile melts in a long-lived accretionary orogen back-arc region. Post-KC (∼1.36–1.30 Ga) magmatism shows an increased juvenile contribution, potentially linked to partial melting of ENMC and ∼ 1.56–1.50 Ga juvenile crust during an orogenic event, or alternatively, related to renewed slab retreat and back-arc extension. The Hf isotopic compositions of ∼ 1.29–1.18 Ga zircons are compatible with a renewed input from the depleted mantle and/or reworking of the earlier ∼ 1.56–1.50 Ga juvenile crust. Emplacement of ∼ 1.13–1.10 Ga mafic dikes/sills marks the end of Mesoproterozoic magmatism in the AS. Our new data enhance our understanding of the Archean to Mesoproterozoic crustal evolution of the AS.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)317-342
Number of pages26
JournalGondwana Research
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024


  • Archean to Mesoproterozoic
  • Crustal evolution
  • Detrital and igneous zircon
  • SW Angolan Shield
  • U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geology


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