Widespread iron-rich conditions in the mid-Proterozoic ocean

Noah J. Planavsky, Peter McGoldrick, Clinton T. Scott, Chao Li, Christopher T. Reinhard, Amy E. Kelly, Xuelei Chu, Andrey Bekker, Gordon D. Love, Timothy W. Lyons

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

412 Citations (Scopus)


The chemical composition of the ocean changed markedly with the oxidation of the Earths surface, and this process has profoundly influenced the evolutionary and ecological history of life. The early Earth was characterized by a reducing ocean-atmosphere system, whereas the Phanerozoic eon (less than 542 million years ago) is known for a stable and oxygenated biosphere conducive to the radiation of animals. The redox characteristics of surface environments during Earths middle age (1.8-1 billion years ago) are less well known, but it is generally assumed that the mid-Proterozoic was home to a globally sulphidic (euxinic) deep ocean. Here we present iron data from a suite of mid-Proterozoic marine mudstones. Contrary to the popular model, our results indicate that ferruginous (anoxic and Fe 2+-rich) conditions were both spatially and temporally extensive across diverse palaeogeographic settings in the mid-Proterozoic ocean, inviting new models for the temporal distribution of iron formations and the availability of bioessential trace elements during a critical window for eukaryotic evolution.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)448-451
Number of pages4
Issue number7365
Publication statusPublished - 22 Sept 2011
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Multidisciplinary


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