Typical water supply system and demand balance design improvement in a developing community

P. A. Ozor, I. Udoibuot, C. Mbohwa

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A typical demand balance based improvement design of Water Supply System in a developing Community is presented. Taking data from a characteristic Campus Community in Nsukka, South East Nigeria, hydraulic calculation of water networks was implemented using selected systems of equations that were best suited for the exercise. The EPANET 2 software was explored in performing required pressure, velocity and flow analysis peculiar to the studied Campus. The Water demand of 3, 645,000 liters per day at the time of Campus inception in 1960 had risen to a demand of nearly six million liters per day at present, due to expansion in all spheres of the Campus. The new design was based on present and future Water demands in the Area which were estimated as 5,901,834 liters/day and 55,764,618 liters/day respectively. The result shows that Water supply for all Campus needs can be improved by 60% under the assumption of per capita liter demand of 150 in the improved design.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2227-2242
Number of pages16
JournalARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2019


  • Demand balance analysis
  • EPANET software
  • University community
  • Water supply system

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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