The US financial meltdown: What really happened - Roots of the economic crisis in overaccumulation, financialisation and 'global apartheid'

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The global economy's vast financial sector expansion - in the context of productive sector stagnation tendencies - has increased the leading powerbrokers' capacity to devalue large parts of the Third World (including major emerging market sites), as well as to write down selected financially volatile and vulnerable markets in the North (e.g. and real estate bubbles). In contrast to the 1930s, this set of partial write-downs of overaccumulated financial capital has not yet created such generalized panic and crisis contagion as to threaten the entire system's integrity. Shifting and stalling the necessary devalorization of overaccumulated capital, particularly as it bubbles up via financial sectors into speculative markets, entailed spatial and temporal fixes. In addition, extra-economic coercion has intensified, including gendered and environmental stresses. The result is a world economy that concentrates wealth and poverty in more extreme ways, geographically, and brings markets and the non-market spheres of society and nature together in a manner adverse to the latter. Reform of the system is long overdue, and the post-Keynesian political economist Jane D'Arista's ideas for revitalized multilateral financial institutions, following Keynes' International Clearing Union proposal, are worth revisiting. However, the context remains one of top-down inability to reform : severe bias in multilateral financial and development agencies amounting to a neoliberal-neoconservative fusion. Moreover, there is constrained space and political will at national level in most states. These factors should eventually compel us to consider the exercise of social power from below, against the worst depredations of oppression, which are often experienced through the financial circuit of capital.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10-51
Number of pages42
JournalAfrican Renaissance
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Development
  • Sociology and Political Science
  • Public Administration
  • Political Science and International Relations


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