The Paleoarchean Buffalo River komatiites: Progressive melting of a single large mantle plume beneath the growing Kaapvaal craton

Thendo Netshidzivhe, Sebastian Tappe, Allan H. Wilson, Akira Ishikawa, Fanus Viljoen

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Several Archean granitoid-greenstone terranes are exposed on the southeastern Kaapvaal craton in South Africa, but they received little scientific attention compared to the archetypal greenstone belt successions of the Barberton Mountain Land at the eastern craton margin. This study reports on a detailed field and geochemical survey of the Buffalo River Greenstone Belt at the southern Kaapvaal craton margin in KwaZulu-Natal, with focus on hitherto unstudied komatiites and basaltic rocks from this volcanic succession. Cross-cutting relationships and new U-Pb zircon age determinations for several granitoid units establish a minimum age of 3.26 Ga for komatiitic volcanism, possibly as old as ca. 3.5 Ga if a 3.47 Ga granodiorite sheet is interpreted as ‘intrusive’ into the greenstone succession. Geochemical data reveal three types of Paleoarchean komatiites at Buffalo River. Spinifex textured lava flows represent Al-depleted komatiites, with subchondritic Al2O3/TiO2 ratios and enrichment of LREE over HREE. The second type comprises Al-undepleted komatiites that have chondritic Al2O3/TiO2 and flat REE patterns. The third type identified comprises Al-enriched komatiites that display suprachondritic Al2O3/TiO2 ratios, with significant LREE depletion. The Al-depleted and Al-undepleted komatiites from Buffalo River are geochemically similar to komatiites from the 3.48 Ga Komati and 3.26 Ga Weltevreden formations of the Barberton Supergroup respectively, whereas the Al-enriched komatiites resemble the 3.33 Ga Commondale komatiites on the southeastern Kaapvaal craton. To explain the co-occurrence of three discrete komatiite types within a single volcanic succession at Buffalo River, we suggest that each major komatiite magmatic pulse originated from the same upwelling mantle source, from which melt was extracted at different pressure but similarly hot temperature conditions. 187Os/188Os data for the Al-depleted komatiites suggest an ultimate magma origin from a primitive mantle reservoir. The contrasting γOs values for Kaapvaal craton komatiites (zero to positive) and peridotitic mantle xenoliths (zero to negative) support a complementary nature of these lithologies as high-degree melts and depleted residues linked by vigorous mantle plume activity at around 3.5 Ga. Such a relationship can explain the contrasting Re/Os systematics of komatiites and lithospheric mantle peridotites, which creates the contrasting γOs over time. The highly siderophile element patterns of the Al-depleted komatiites from Buffalo River are similar to those of Barberton-type komatiites, for which an origin from the deepest upper mantle with high melt retention in an upwelling plume source was suggested. We confirm that this ca. 3.5 Ga mantle source had only 60–80 % of the platinum-group element budget of the modern ambient mantle, which points indirectly to a location at great depth in the aftermath of the meteoritic late accretion. Progressive melting of such an upwelling mantle source, to the point of majoritic garnet exhaustion, may explain the Al-undepleted and Al-enriched komatiites at Buffalo River. The presence of all three major komatiite types within a single volcanic succession may be linked to deep critical melting of a large mantle plume associated with growth of the Kaapvaal ‘continent’ at 3.5 Ga.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107071
JournalPrecambrian Research
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2023


  • Early Archean
  • Granitoid-greenstone terrane
  • Highly siderophile elements
  • Kaapvaal craton
  • Komatiite
  • Late accretion
  • Osmium isotopes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geology
  • Geochemistry and Petrology


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