The drivers of creativity and innovation in copyright discourse: A value chain analysis across cultural industries

Ke Yu, Colin Darch

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


We build on the well-established critique, primarily in the US literature, of the following assump-tions: (1) copyright protections serve to incentivise creativity; (2) copyright is designed with such incentivisation as its primary purpose; and (3) a standardized set of copyright protections should ideally be applicable to all forms of cultural production, across all situations in all countries. These assumptions lead to two fundamental conceptual flaws in much current copyright policy discourse: (1) it conflates concepts such as incentive, reward, and recognition; (2) it is nomo-thetic in character insofar as the existing structural and procedural diversity of the different cultural industries that it governs is inadequately acknowledged. Our critique in this article is not, therefore, a general one, but is limited to a specific theory of copyright, which pretends that copyright is an incentive to creativity while the evidence indicates that it is not. We highlight the importance of taking account of the whole ‘creativity value chain’ in the different industries with their various components – the creator, the copyright holder, the distributor, and the mar-ket. Drawing on case studies of three creative industries: literary writing, film, and fashion, we demonstrate that not only is there currently considerable heterogeneity among these industries, but that there has also been heterogeneity within each industry at different periods and in different contexts. We argue that this flexibility is a beneficial characteristic of the current function-ing of copyright that should be defended against pressures in favour of harmonization.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)321-338
Number of pages18
JournalQueen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2020


  • Consequentialism
  • Copyright
  • Creativity
  • Creativity value chain
  • Extrinsic incentives
  • Fashion
  • Film industry
  • Global value chain
  • Innovation
  • Intellectual property domains
  • Intrinsic incentives
  • Literary writing
  • Rewards

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Law


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