Synthesis and characterization of quaternary GO/CoCrO3/SiO2/Ag2WO4Nanocomposite based on energy storage and photocatalytic applications

Mariam Akram, Malika Rani, Kiran Batool, Rubia Shafique, Asma A. Alothman, Saikh Mohammad, Mika Sillanpää, Maryam Arshad

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


This paper embellished to present novel graphene oxide/cobalt chromium oxide/silicon dioxide/silver tungstate nanocomposite using urea as a reducing agent and tetraethylorthosilicate to enhance stability via hydrothermal approach along with modified hummer's method, co-precipitation and sol–gel routes. The existence of oxygen, cobalt, chromium, carbon, silicon, silver, and tungsten are confirmed by the nanocomposite elemental composition whereas reduction in particle size up to 4.28 nm indicated by surface morphology. Nanocomposite material had an average crystallite size of 6.85 nm with band gap of 2.5 eV possessing zeta potential value of −16.9 mV. Peak intensity has decreased indicated by Pl spectra whereas FTIR confirms existence of functional groups. The material exhibited excellent electrochemical performance with a specific capacitance of 5124F/g and electrochemical active surface area of 0.02 cm2. The power density ranges from 2881.8 to 2117 W/kg and the energy density ranges from 117.6 to 160.1 Wh/Kg whereas charge transfer resistance value of 1.67 Ω results in electron rate constant 4.98 × 10-9 cms−1. Nanomaterial shows photocatalytic activity about 88.27% degradation efficiency achieved for methylene blue dye under direct sunlight irradiation for 180 min obtaining pseudo kinetics constant value of 1.43x10-2 min−1. Overall results suggest that the GO/CoCrO3/SiO2/Ag2WO4 nanocomposite material has promising potential as energy storage material for supercapacitors and as a photocatalytic material for environmental remediation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number116838
JournalMaterials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Energy storage
  • Graphene Oxide
  • Photoluminescence
  • Quaternary nanocomposite
  • Water purification

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Materials Science
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Mechanical Engineering


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