Super-PINGU for measurement of the leptonic CP-phase with atmospheric neutrinos

Soebur Razzaque, A. Yu Smirnov

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21 Citations (Scopus)


Abstract: We explore a possibility to measure the CP-violating phase δ using multimegaton scale ice or water Cherenkov detectors with low, (0.2-1) GeV, energy threshold assuming that the neutrino mass hierarchy is identified. We elaborate the relevant theoretical and phenomenological aspects of this possibility. The distributions of the νμ (track) and νe (cascade) events in the neutrino energy and zenith angle (Eν − θz) plane have been computed for different values of δ. We study properties and distinguishability of the distributions before and after smearing over the neutrino energy and zenith angle. The CP-violation effects are not washed out by smearing, and furthermore, the sensitivity to δ increases with decrease of the energy threshold. The νe events contribute to the CP-sensitivity as much as the νμ events. While sensitivity of PINGU to δ is low, we find that future possible upgrade, Super-PINGU, with few megaton effective volume at (0.5-1) GeV and e.g. after 4 years of exposure will be able to disentangle values of δ = π/2, π, 3π/2 from δ = 0 with “distinguishability” (∼ significance in σ’s) Sσ tot = (3 − 8), (6 − 14), (3 − 8) correspondingly. Here the intervals of Sσot are due to various uncertainties of detection of the low energy events, especially the flavor identification, systematics, etc. Super-PINGU can be used simultaneously for the proton decay searches.

Original languageEnglish
Article number139
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2015


  • CP violation
  • Neutrino Physics
  • Solar and Atmospheric Neutrinos

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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