Recent MCAS applications on hypernuclei and radiative capture

L. Canton, K. Amos, S. Karataglidis, J. P. Svenne

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


In recent years, we have developed a Multi-Channel Algebraic Scattering (MCAS) approach to study low-energy nucleon-nucleus scattering, resonance phenomena, and sub-threshold spectra for medium-light nuclei. We have considered compound nuclei that are stable, or weakly bound, and have also extended the analysis to very unstable systems that are unbound with respect to proton emission, namely, that are beyond the proton drip line. More recent developments concerned the application of the MCAS approach to the analysis of the spectra of two hypernuclear systems, 9δBe and 13δC. We have studied the splitting of the two odd-parity excited levels (1/2- and 3/2-) at 11 MeV excitation in 13δC, finding that it is driven mainly by the weak λ-nucleus spin-orbit force. Conversely, the splittings of the 3/2+ and 5/2+ levels in both 9 λBe and 13λC originate from couplings to the collective 2+ states of the core nuclei. In both hypernuclei, our MCAS-based calculations suggest that there are additional low-lying resonant states in the δ-nucleus continua. From the MCAS approach one can extract also the full coupled-channel scattering wave function to be used in the calculation of various transition matrix elements. As a first application, we have considered the EM-transition matrix elements for the capture reaction of astrophysical interest: α + 3He → 7Be + γ.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 12th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, NRM 2009
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)9789290833406
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Externally publishedYes
Event2009 12th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, NRM 2009 - Varenna, Italy
Duration: 15 Jun 200919 Jun 2009

Publication series

ISSN (Print)2078-8835


Conference2009 12th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, NRM 2009

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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