Predicted and Prized Critical Skills for a Graduate to Produce Effective Innovation

Sithembiso Khumalo, Tanya du Plessis

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have been mandated with the task to train and produce graduates with the capability to contribute to the economy and improve societies through teaching and learning. Furthermore, they are tasked with the responsibility to produce graduates with the capability to produce innovations that change the world for the better. For a university to produce such graduates it would need to focus on the curriculum and ensure that the skills and knowledge taught are relevant to produce innovative graduates. The purpose of this research paper was to identify the predicted and prized skills that a graduate can use to produce groundbreaking innovations. This objective would yield guidance on the most critical skills that should be included in a BCom degree to produce graduates with the capability to produce groundbreaking innovations. This research employed a Mixed-method approach with the use of both qualitative and quantitative approach. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews with 11 participants from the University of Johannesburg commercialisation units and an online questionnaire from 69 innovation experts from the South African Business Innovation Community (Innovation Summit), and the Innovation, Sustainability and Visionary Leadership Group. Data was collected through descriptive content analysis with the aid of Atlas.ti and inferential statistical analysis. This study is part of a completed PhD study, the reporting is only on Predicted and Prized critical skills for a BCom degree graduate. Based on the results ideation, reasoning, problem solving, complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity and analytical thinking are skills and competences predicted to improve innovation and produce graduates with the capability to innovate. Furthermore, based on the results critical thinking, judgement and decision making are very significant skills for a person with a BCom degree. In conclusion, HEIs should place more emphasis on critical thinking skills within the curriculum and complex problem-solving skills. These skills should not only be exclusive to certain programmes but throughout the entire HEI's curriculum.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)323-330
Number of pages8
JournalProceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Externally publishedYes
Event19th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE 2024 - Paris, France
Duration: 26 Sept 202427 Sept 2024


  • Commercialisation
  • Curriculum
  • Higher education institutions
  • Innovation
  • Signification framework

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Business and International Management
  • Management of Technology and Innovation
  • Strategy and Management


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