Photoneutron cross sections for Ni isotopes: Toward understanding (n,γ) cross sections relevant to weak s -process nucleosynthesis

H. Utsunomiya, T. Renstrøm, G. M. Tveten, S. Goriely, S. Katayama, T. Ari-Izumi, D. Takenaka, D. Symochko, B. V. Kheswa, V. W. Ingeberg, T. Glodariu, Y. W. Lui, S. Miyamoto, A. C. Larsen, J. E. Midtbø, A. Görgen, S. Siem, L. Crespo Campo, M. Guttormsen, S. HilaireS. Péru, A. J. Koning

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Citations (Scopus)


Photoneutron cross sections were measured for Ni58,Ni60,Ni61, and Ni64 at energies between the one-neutron and two-neutron thresholds using quasimonochromatic γ-ray beams produced in laser Compton scattering at the NewSUBARU synchrotron radiation facility. These photoneutron data are used to extract the γ-ray strength function above the neutron threshold, complementing the information obtained by the Oslo method below the threshold. We discuss radiative neutron-capture cross sections and the Maxwellian-averaged cross sections for Ni isotopes including Ni63, a branching point nucleus along the weak s-process path. The cross sections are calculated with the experimentally constrained γ-ray strength functions from the Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov plus quasiparticle-random-phase approximation based on the Gogny D1M interaction for both E1 and M1 components and supplemented with the M1 upbend.

Original languageEnglish
Article number054619
JournalPhysical Review C
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 28 Nov 2018

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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