On Wiener index and average eccentricity of graphs of girth at least 6 and (C4,C5)-free graphs

Alex Alochukwu, Peter Dankelmann

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Let G be a finite, connected graph. The eccentricity of a vertex v of G is the distance from v to a vertex farthest from v. The average eccentricity avec(G) of G is the arithmetic mean of the eccentricities of the vertices of G. The Wiener index W(G) of G is the sum of the distances between all unordered pairs of vertices of G. For these two distance measures we give upper bounds in terms of order n, minimum degree δ and maximum degree Δ for graphs of girth at least six, and for graphs containing neither 4-cycles nor 5-cycles as subgraphs. For graphs of girth at least six we show that the average eccentricity is bounded above by [Formula presented], where Δ=Δδ+(δ−1)Δ(δ−2)+[Formula presented]. We construct graphs that show that for δ−1 a prime power this bound is sharp apart from a term O(Δ). We further show that if the girth condition on G is relaxed to G having neither a 4-cycle nor a 5-cycle as a subgraph, then similar and only slightly weaker bounds hold. For such graphs we also show that the average eccentricity is bounded from above by [Formula presented]⌈[Formula presented]⌉+8, which in some sense is close to being optimal. We obtain similar upper bounds for the Wiener index of graphs of girth at least 6 and for graphs containing neither a 4-cycle nor a 5-cycle as a subgraph.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)98-111
Number of pages14
JournalDiscrete Applied Mathematics
Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2023


  • Average distance
  • Average eccentricity
  • Girth
  • Maximum degree
  • Minimum degree
  • Total eccentricity
  • Wiener index

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
  • Applied Mathematics


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