On the ratios between packing and domination parameters of a graph

Alewyn P. Burger, Michael A. Henning, Jan H. van Vuuren

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5 Citations (Scopus)


The relationship ρL (G) ≤ ρ (G) ≤ γ (G) between the lower packing number ρL (G), the packing number ρ (G) and the domination number γ (G) of a graph G is well known. In this paper we establish best possible bounds on the ratios of the packing numbers of any (connected) graph to its six domination-related parameters (the lower and upper irredundance numbers i r and I R, the lower and upper independence numbers i and β, and the lower and upper domination numbers γ and Γ). In particular, best possible constants aθ, bθ, cθ and dθ are found for which the inequalities aθ θ (G) ≤ ρL (G) ≤ bθ θ (G) and cθ θ (G) ≤ ρ (G) ≤ dθ θ (G) hold for any connected graph G and all θ ∈ {i r, γ, i, β, Γ, I R}. From our work it follows, for example, that ρL (G) ≤ frac(3, 2) i r (G) and ρ (G) ≤ frac(3, 2) i r (G) for any connected graph G, and that these inequalities are best possible.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2473-2478
Number of pages6
JournalDiscrete Mathematics
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 28 Apr 2009
Externally publishedYes


  • Domination
  • Graph packing
  • Graph parameter ratios
  • Independence
  • Irredundance

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics


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