Mechanical properties of uniaxial natural fabric Grewia tilifolia reinforced epoxy based composites: Effects of chemical treatment

J. Jayaramudu, G. Siva Mohan Reddy, K. Varaprasad, E. R. Sadiku, S. S. Ray, A. Varada Rajulu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Citations (Scopus)


The effects of chemical treatment on the mechanical, morphological, and chemical resistance properties of uniaxial natural fabrics, Grewia tilifolia/epoxy composites, were studied. In order to enhance the interfacial bonding between the epoxy matrix and the Grewia tilifolia fabrics, two different types of treatment: alkali treatment (5 % NaOH) and (3-aminopropyl)-triethoxysilane coupling agent (CA), were used. The epoxy composites containing 0-15 wt% of Grewia tilifolia fabric were prepared by hand lay-up technique, at room temperature. The tensile and flexural properties of the untreated, alkali-treated and coupling agent treated Grewia tilifolia reinforced epoxy composites were determined as a function of fabric loading. The 9 % wt Grewia tilifolia fabric reinforced epoxy composites showed improved tensile and flexural modulii when compared to the neat epoxy matrix. Significant improvement in the mechanical properties was obtained when both alkali and coupling agent treated fabrics were used as reinforcement. Morphological studies demonstrated that better adhesion between the fabrics and the matrix was achieved especially when the alkali-treated and coupling agent treated Grewia tilifolia fabrics were used in the composites. For the water absorption and chemical resistance studies, various solvents, acids and alkalis were used on the epoxy composites. This study has shown that Grewia tilifolia fabric/epoxy composites are promising candidates for structural applications, where high strength and stiffness are required.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1462-1468
Number of pages7
JournalFibers and Polymers
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • Chemical resistance
  • Coupling agent
  • Epoxy resin
  • Mechanical properties
  • Morphology
  • Natural fabric Grewia tilifolia

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Chemistry
  • General Chemical Engineering
  • Polymers and Plastics


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