Manganese oxide shuttling in pre-GOE oceans – evidence from molybdenum and iron isotopes

Florian Kurzweil, Martin Wille, Niklas Gantert, Nicolas J. Beukes, Ronny Schoenberg

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

72 Citations (Scopus)


The local occurrence of oxygen-rich shallow marine water environments has been suggested to significantly predate atmospheric oxygenation, which occurred during the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) ca. 2.4 billion years ago. However, the potential influence of such ‘oxygen oases’ on the mobility, distribution and isotopic composition of redox sensitive elements remains poorly understood. Here, we provide new molybdenum and iron isotopic data from shallow marine carbonate and silicate iron formations of the Koegas Subgroup, South Africa, that confirm local ocean redox stratification prior to the GOE. Mn concentrations correlate negatively with both δ98Mo and δ56Fe values, which highlights the substantial role of particulate manganese for the cycling of Mo and Fe in the Paleoproterozoic oceans. Based on these trends we propose that pore water molybdate was recharged (1) by the diffusional transport of seawater molybdate with high δ98Mo and (2) by the re-liberation of adsorbed molybdate with low δ98Mo during Mn oxide dissolution within the sediment. The relative contribution of isotopically light Mo is highest close to a Mn chemocline, where the flux of Mn oxides is largest, causing the negative correlation of Mn concentrations and δ98Mo values in the Koegas sediments. The negative correlation between δ56Fe values and Mn concentrations is likely related to Fe isotope fractionation during Fe(II) oxidation by Mn oxides, resulting in lower δ56Fe values in the uppermost water column close to a Mn chemocline. We argue that the preservation of these signals within Paleoproterozoic sediments implies the existence of vertically extended chemoclines with a smoother gradient, probably as a result of low atmospheric oxygen concentrations. Furthermore, we suggest that abiotic oxidation of Fe(II) by a Mn oxide particle shuttle might have promoted the deposition of the Koegas iron formations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)69-78
Number of pages10
JournalEarth and Planetary Science Letters
Publication statusPublished - 15 Oct 2016


  • Fe isotopes
  • Great Oxidation Event
  • Koegas Subgroup
  • Mo isotopes
  • oxygen oases
  • redox stratification

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geophysics
  • Geochemistry and Petrology
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)
  • Space and Planetary Science


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