Low-energy spectra of mirror mass-19 nuclei with a collective coupled-channel scattering model

K. Amos, P. R. Fraser, S. Karataglidis, L. Canton

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1 Citation (Scopus)


The spectra of mass-19 nuclei are unusual and pose a challenge for theoretical models of their structure. Herein the Multi-Channel Algebraic Scattering (MCAS) method has been used with a collective (vibrational model) description of the low-excitation states of 18O and 18Ne to describe the spectra of four mass-19 nuclei, specifically the mirror pairs (19O, 19Na) and (19F, 19Ne). This coupled-channel approach allows for the effects of the Pauli principle to be included using non-local orthogonalizing pseudo-potentials. By the coupling of neutrons to the core nuclei, we obtain states in 19O (a neutron coupled to 18O) and 19Ne (a neutron coupled to 18Ne). Mirror symmetry and addition of the Coulomb interaction gives states in 19F (a proton coupled to 18O) and 19Na (a proton coupled to 18Ne). However, the same compound nuclei may be described as the coupling of more complicated nuclear clusters. We obtain the states in 19F as the coupling of an α to 15N, as well as the coupling of 3H to 16O. Similarly, states in 19Ne have been obtained from the coupling of an α to 15O and of the coupling of 3He to 16O. Finally, as the method allows extraction of scattering matrices, it has been used to evaluate cross sections for the elastic scattering of low-energy neutrons from 18O and of low-energy α particles from 15O.

Original languageEnglish
Article number165
JournalEuropean Physical Journal A
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2021

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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