Low-energy enhancement in the γ -ray strength functions of Ge 73,74

T. Renstrøm, H. T. Nyhus, H. Utsunomiya, R. Schwengner, S. Goriely, A. C. Larsen, D. M. Filipescu, I. Gheorghe, L. A. Bernstein, D. L. Bleuel, T. Glodariu, A. Görgen, M. Guttormsen, T. W. Hagen, B. V. Kheswa, Y. W. Lui, D. Negi, I. E. Ruud, T. Shima, S. SiemK. Takahisa, O. Tesileanu, T. G. Tornyi, G. M. Tveten, M. Wiedeking

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

35 Citations (Scopus)


The γ-ray strength functions and level densities of Ge73,74 have been extracted up to the neutron-separation energy Sn from particle-γ coincidence data using the Oslo method. Moreover, the γ-ray strength function of Ge74 above Sn has been determined from photoneutron measurements; hence these two experiments cover the range of Eγ≈1-13 MeV for Ge74. The obtained data show that both Ge73,74 display an increase in strength at low γ energies. The experimental γ-ray strength functions are compared with M1 strength functions deduced from average B(M1) values calculated within the shell model for a large number of transitions. The observed low-energy enhancements in Ge73,74 are adopted in the calculations of the Ge72,73(n,γ) cross sections, where there are no direct experimental data. Calculated reaction rates for more neutron-rich germanium isotopes are shown to be strongly dependent on the presence of the low-energy enhancement.

Original languageEnglish
Article number064302
JournalPhysical Review C
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jun 2016
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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