Local edge metric dimensions via corona products and integer linear programming

Fateme Amini, Michael A. Henning, Mostafa Tavakoli

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Let G be a connected graph. The distance between two vertices u and v in G, denoted by dG(u,v), is the number of edges in a shortest path from u to v, while the distance between an edge e=xy and a vertex v in G is dG(e,v)=min{dG(x,v),dG(y,v)}. For an edge e∈E(G) and a subset S of V(G), the representation of e with respect to S={x1,…,xk} is the vector rG(e|S)=(d1,…,dk), where di=dG(e,xi) for i∈[k]. If rG(e|S)≠rG(f|S) for every two adjacent edges e and f of G, then S is called a local edge metric generator for G. The local edge metric dimension of G, denoted by edim(G), is the minimum cardinality among all local edge metric generators in G. For two non-trivial graphs G and H, we determine edim(G⋄H) in the edge corona product G⋄H and we determine edim(G∘H) in the corona product G⋄H. We also formulate the problem of computing edim(G) as an integer linear programming model.

Original languageEnglish
Article number358
JournalComputational and Applied Mathematics
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024


  • 05C12
  • 05C76
  • Corona product
  • Edge corona product
  • Integer linear programming
  • Local edge metric dimension
  • Metric dimension

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Computational Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics


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