
Viranjay M. Srivastava, Ghanshyam Singh

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


With the development of electric telegraph by William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone, the telecommunication technology has been commercialized in 1838 [1]. This technology was rapidly replaced by Samuel Morse, with the introduction of the Morse code in 1844, which reduced the communication into dots and dashes, and listening to the receiver [2]. The wireless technology came to existence in 1901 when Guglielmo Marconi successfully transmitted radio signals across the Atlantic Ocean. The possibility of replacing the telegraphs and telephone communications with wave transmission is an exciting future. However, the two-way wireless communication has been materialized in the military, although it remained limited to one-way radio and television broadcasting by large and expensive stations. The ordinary two-way phone conversations would still go over wires for many decades. The invention of the large-scale integration (LSI) transistor, the development of Shannon’s information theory, and the conception of the cellular system all at Bell Laboratories paved the way for affordable mobile communications.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAnalog Circuits and Signal Processing
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameAnalog Circuits and Signal Processing
ISSN (Print)1872-082X
ISSN (Electronic)2197-1854


  • Antenna Selection
  • CMOS Technology
  • Device Under Test
  • Insertion Loss
  • Wireless Local Area Network

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Information Systems
  • Signal Processing


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