Influence of designated properties on the characteristics of dombeya buettneri fiber/graphite hybrid reinforced polypropylene composites

I. O. Oladele, M. O. Oladejo, A. A. Adediran, B. A. Makinde-Isola, A. F. Owa, E. T. Akinlabi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

26 Citations (Scopus)


This research presents the behavior of dombeya buettneri fiber/graphite hybrid composites which was studied to harness a favorable balance between the inherent advantages and disadvantages of natural and synthetic reinforcements. The fibers after extraction were chemically treated for surface modification. The composite was developed using compression molding process by randomly dispersing the reinforcements in the polypropylene matrix in predetermined proportions. The developed samples were tested to ascertain the response of the materials to the selected properties. Experimental results showed that hybrid composite sample C which is a blend of 12 wt% dombeya buettneri fiber (DBF) and 8 wt% graphite particle (GP) gave enhanced results in many of the properties which includes; hardness, impact, thermal insulation and abrasion resistance properties. Also, the hybrid composites sample denoted as sample E which is the blend of 6 wt% DBF and 14 wt% GP produce higher enhancement in the flexural properties and Young’s Modulus of Elasticity than other samples. Composite sample reinforced with dombeya buettneri fiber as single reinforced composites performed more in ultimate tensile strength compared to other samples while graphite particle reinforced sample emerges as the best in thermal conductivity. Diffusion of water into the composites also obeys Fick’s law where sample C was seen to be the best among the composites. It was therefore, discovered that the synergy between the two reinforcements has encouraged the improvement of polypropylene (PP) properties in a unique mode.

Original languageEnglish
Article number11105
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2020

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Multidisciplinary


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