Induced quadrupolar singlet ground state of praseodymium in a modulated pyrochlore

J. Van Duijn, K. H. Kim, N. Hur, R. Ruiz-Bustos, D. T. Adroja, F. Bridges, A. Daoud-Aladine, F. Fernandez-Alonso, J. J. Wen, V. Kearney, Q. Z. Huang, S. W. Cheong, T. G. Perring, C. Broholm

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9 Citations (Scopus)


The complex structure and magnetism of Pr2-xBixRu2O7 was investigated by neutron scattering and extended x-ray absorption fine structure. Pr has an approximate doublet ground state and the first excited state is a singlet. While the B-site (Ru) is well ordered throughout, this is not the case for the A-site (Pr/Bi). A broadened distribution for the Pr-O2 bond length at low temperature indicates the Pr environment varies from site to site even for x=0. The environment about the Bi site is highly disordered ostensibly due to the 6s lone pairs on Bi3+. Correspondingly, we find that the non-Kramers doublet ground-state degeneracy, otherwise anticipated for Pr in the pyrochlore structure, is lifted so as to produce a quadrupolar singlet ground state with a spatially varying energy gap. For x=0, below TN, the Ru sublattice orders antiferromagnetically, with propagation vector k=(0,0,0) as for Y2Ru2O7. No ordering associated with the Pr sublattice is observed down to 100 mK. The low-energy magnetic response of Pr2-xBixRu2O7 features a broad spectrum of magnetic excitations associated with inhomogeneous splitting of the Pr quasidoublet ground state. For x=0 (x=0.97), the spectrum is temperature dependent (independent). It appears disorder associated with Bi alloying enhances the inhomogeneous Pr crystal-field level splitting so that intersite interactions become irrelevant for x=0.97. The structural complexity for the A-site may be reflected in the hysteretic uniform magnetization of B-site ruthenium in the Néel phase.

Original languageEnglish
Article number094409
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 11 Sept 2017
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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