Health benefits of some selected vegetables grown in the sub-saharan african region

Olusola Olaitan Ayeleru, Dolapo Abimbola Oladiran, Opeolu Mayowa Ogundele, Sisanda Dlova, Eugénie Kayitesi, Williams Kehinde Kupolati, Anton Blencowe, Freeman Ntuli, Peter Apata Olubambi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Vegetables are generally low in fat and calories which makes them very ideal diet for human and they contain nutrients that are very essential to the health, growth and proper working of the human body. Vegetables occupy a great proportion in dietary guideline due to the amounts of phytochemicals, fibres, vitamins and antioxidants they contain. The consumption of plenty of vegetable gives several health benefits in which one of them is the low susceptibility to chronic diseases. Vegetables have a larger effect than fruit, though fruits also make a real difference, but eating of plenty vegetables provides high resistance against diseases like stroke, cancer, heart diseases and type 2 diabetes. This study aims to enumerate the health benefits of vegetable consumption. Three vegetables from the numerous vegetable plants grown in the sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have been chosen for this study. The vegetables include: Vernonia amygdalina Del (bitter leaf), Lactuca taraxacifolia (wild lettuce) and Crassocephalum rubens. The Vernonia amygdalina is used traditionally to treat several ailments like malaria, gastro intestinal disorders, diabetes mellitus and hyperglycaemia in humans. The leaves of Lactuca taraxacifolia (wild lettuce) are fairly good sources of vitamin C, β-carotene, calcium and sodium, iron, magnesium and potassium. Lactuca taraxacifolia is used to prevent and treat diseases like measles, yaws, conjunctivitis, hyperthesion and cancer. Crassocephalum rubens is used for treatment against stomacal inflammations, liver dysfunctioning, ocular pains, ears pain and breast cancer. Based on these application properties, it is concluded that many of these unfamiliar vegetables are very healthy to the body.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOccurrences, Structure, Biosynthesis, and Health Benefits Based on their Evidences of Medicinal Phytochemicals in Vegetables and Fruits
PublisherNova Science Publishers, Inc.
Number of pages28
ISBN (Electronic)9781536155648
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2019


  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Crassocephalum rubens
  • Lactuca taraxacifolia
  • Sub-saharan africa
  • Vegetables
  • Vernonia amygdalina del

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering
  • General Agricultural and Biological Sciences


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