Ferromagnetic Ordering and Heavy Fermion Behaviour in Ce2Ru3Ge5

Ramesh Kumar Kamadurai, Redrisse Djoumessi Fobasso, Arvind Maurya, Prathyusha Kokkoorakunnel Ramankutty, André Michael Strydom

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4 Citations (Scopus)


We report the investigation of the magnetic susceptibility (χ), specific heat (CP), electrical resistivity (ρ) and magnetoresistance (MR) studies of the compound Ce2Ru3Ge5. Ce2Ru3Ge5 crystallizes in U2Co3Si5-type structure with space group of Ibam. The lattice parameter values were observed to be a = 9.9497(4) Å, b = 12.416(4) Å, c = 5.8978(2) Å. Employing χ(T), CP(T), ρ(T), and MR measurements, we show that the system exhibits a ferromagnetic ordering below 7.9 K with localized Ce3+ ions. A strong influence of field-dependent χ(T), ρ(T) and reduced saturation moment (0.32 μB) suggest that the crystalline electric field (CEF) plays a role in forming the ground state properties. The splitting energies between the ground state and two excited doublets in the CEF scheme are Δ1 = 541 K and Δ2 = 1999 K. Heat capacity measurements and analysis indicate that the system belongs to a heavy-fermion ferromagnetic class of materials with γ = 85 mJ=mol K and Kondo temperature TK ≈ 18.9 K. The temperature variation of the magnetic heat capacity and 4 f-electrical resistivity below TC could be modelled using the ferromagnetic spin-wave expressions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number064705
JournalJournal of the Physical Society of Japan
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2020

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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