Experimental observation of the M1 scissors mode in 254No

F. L. Bello Garrote, A. Lopez-Martens, A. C. Larsen, I. Deloncle, S. Péru, F. Zeiser, P. T. Greenlees, B. V. Kheswa, K. Auranen, D. L. Bleuel, D. M. Cox, L. Crespo Campo, F. Giacoppo, A. Görgen, T. Grahn, M. Guttormsen, T. W. Hagen, L. Harkness-Brennan, K. Hauschild, G. HenningR. D. Herzberg, R. Julin, S. Juutinen, T. A. Laplace, M. Leino, J. E. Midtbø, V. Modamio, J. Pakarinen, P. Papadakis, J. Partanen, T. Renstrøm, K. Rezynkina, M. Sandzelius, J. Sarén, C. Scholey, S. Siem, J. Sorri, S. Stolze, J. Uusitalo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


We present the first experimental evidence of the scissors mode in the superheavy nucleus 254No produced in the 208Pb(48Ca, 2nγ))254No reaction. The spectrum of γ rays emitted by the excited 254No nuclei shows an enhanced γ-ray yield for transition energies of ≈2.5 MeV. By measuring the linear polarization properties of the emitted γ rays, we confirm that the transitions in the enhancement region are predominantly of magnetic-dipole character, characteristic for the scissors mode. To further characterize the enhanced γ-ray yield, simulations of the electromagnetic decay of 254No were performed. The observed enhancement is reproduced by including an M1 component in the γ strength function with total strength B(M1↑)=11.8(19)μN2. This is in good agreement with the integrated M1 strength from sum-rule estimates and new calculations within the quasi-particle random-phase approximation presented here. Our results provide a stringent test of phenomenological formulae for the scissors mode currently used in stellar nucleosynthesis calculations. We find that those formulae are not satisfactory, and we recommend using sum-rule estimates assuming a rigid-body moment of inertia instead for describing the scissors mode in superheavy nuclei.

Original languageEnglish
Article number137479
JournalPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
Publication statusPublished - 10 Nov 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Scissors mode
  • Transfermium nuclides
  • γ-strength function

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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