Coherent Kondo-lattice ground state in CeNi0.85Rh0.15Sn alloy

D. T. Adroja, B. D. Rainford, M. Houshiar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


We have carried out structural, magnetic and transport measurements on CeNi0.85T0.15Sn (T=Ni, Ru, Rh and Pd) alloys in order to understand the complex low-temperature transport properties of the Kondo semiconductor CeNiSn. The resistivity measurements show that the observed low-temperature rise in the resistivity of CeNiSn becomes less pronounced with Ru and Pd substitution. Further, the resistivity of CeNi0.85Rh0.15Sn alloy shows the onset of the coherent Kondo-lattice ground state below 18 K and exhibits a T2 behaviour below 7 K. The observed large negative magnetoresistance in CeNiSn at 1.7 K suggests that the energy gap decreases as the magnetic field increases. Positive magnetoresistance is observed in LaNiSn and CeNiSn at high temperatures and high fields. The negative magnetoresistance of CeNi0.85T0.15Sn (T=Rh and Pd) alloys exhibits a scaling behaviour as proposed by Schlottmann for single ion Kondo impurity. CeNi0.85Rh0.15Sn alloy exhibits positive magnetoresistance at 2 K and negative minimum magnetoresistance at 5 K, which further confirms the presence of a coherent Kondo-lattice ground state. The susceptibilities of all these alloys exhibit Curie-Weiss behaviour in the high-temperature regime.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Alloys and Compounds
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 27 Mar 1998
Externally publishedYes


  • CeNiSn
  • Kondo semiconductor
  • Magnetoresistance and Kondo lattice

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Metals and Alloys
  • Materials Chemistry


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