Child slavery in supply chains: Actors of the dirty scene

Maryam Lotfi, Noleen Pisa

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Child slavery in global supply chains is a complex problem because it involves various supply chain actors, including corporations, at different tiers, and external organisations and society. Many corporate sustainability on child labour, present a unilateral perspective which renders the development of child labour measures under the leadership of many companies tardy and inefficient. Objectives: This study conducted a comprehensive investigation into child slavery in supply chains to identify the key actors that can combat child slavery in the supply chain. Method: Thematic analysis of peer-reviewed journal articles, containing the keywords; child labour; supply chain, and child slavery; used interchangeably, based on three inclusion criteria; high frequency of relevant keywords; recent publication period; and high number of citations, was conducted. Results: Four main actors and their influence on child slavery were identified namely i.). Corporations-through industrial characteristics, strategy, corporate social responsibility obligations, and internal stakeholders; ii.). Governments – through regulations, policies, and intentions to combat child slavery; iii.). Societies-through the establishment of social benchmarks and social accountability frameworks to address the social crisis; and iv.). External organisations-such as ILO, NGOs and trade unions as the dominant actors in combatting the child slavery phenomena in supply chains. Conclusion: The findings provide a nascent conceptual model for empirical work and a foundation for descriptive and normative research on child slavery in supply chains. Contribution: The study’s contribution is the assessment of the child slavery phenomenon using a multi-stakeholder perspective to gain a better understanding of the dynamics associated with child slavery.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbera942
JournalJournal of Transport and Supply Chain Management
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • child slavery
  • combatting child slavery
  • key actors
  • social sustainability
  • supply chains

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Management Information Systems
  • Transportation
  • Management Science and Operations Research
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Information Systems and Management


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