Belewenis van relatiewe deprivasie in ’n swart stedelike gemeenskap

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Experience of relative deprivation in a black urban community. The findings of this study showed that the respond­ents in general experience a reasonably high level of relative deprivation. They are generally dissatisfied with their living conditions, believing that their community is worse off than others and that they are entitled to better conditions. Regard­ing the groups with whom the respondents compared their community, it was found that the great majority of compari­sons were to whites only. In answer to the question as to why they believed their community was entitled to better condi­tions, the majority of the respondents used 'need' or 'equal treatment' as criteria. With regard to participation in decision­making, 'democracy' was the most important criterion. The criterion of 'equity' was, however, used by relatively few res­pondents in evaluating their position. It was also found that those who experienced the highest levels of relative depriva­tion were mostly those occupying high class positions (i.e. those who own their own homes in the highest status suburb of Mamelodi, and have both the highest levels of education and occupational status). These people also tended to be generally younger than those who experienced a low level of relative deprivation. In hierdie navorsing is gevind dat die respondente oor die algemeen 'n redelike hofi mate van relatiewe deprivasie ervaar. Hulle is oor die algemeen ontevrede met hul lewensomstandighede; hulle voel dat hul gemeenskap slegter daar- aan toe is as ander en dat hulle geregtig is op beter omstandighede. Ten opsigte van die groepe waarmee respondente hul gemeenskap vergelyk, is gevind dat verreweg die meerderheid van die vergelykings met blankes alleen is. In ant- woord op die vraag waarom hulle van mening is dat hul gemeenskap geregtig is op beter omstandighede, het die meer­derheid respondente 'behoefte' of 'gelyke behandeling' as maatstawwe gebruik. Ten opsigte van deelname aan besluit- neming was 'demokrasie' die belangrikste maatstaf. Daarteenoor word die maatstaf van 'ruilingsgelykheid' deur relatief min respondente in hul evaluering van hul posisie gebruik. Daar is verder gevind dat diegene wat 'n hoS mate van rela­tiewe deprivasie ervaar meestal diegene met 'n hoS klasposisie is (diegene met 'n hoS onderwyspeil en 'n hofi beroep- status, wat in die hoSstatuswoonbuurt van Mamelodi woon en hul eie huise besit) en dat hulle oor die algemeen jonger is, as diegene wat 'n lae mate van relatiewe deprivasie ervaar.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)117-124
Number of pages8
JournalSouth African Review of Sociology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 1991

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Social Sciences


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