Analysis of Compressive Strength of Existing Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) Concrete Column using a Schmidt Rebound Hammer

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


The Schmidt rebound hammer is principally a surface hardness tester with an apparent theoretical relationship between the strength of hardened concrete block and the rebound number of the hammer. This study analysed compressive strength of some selected concrete columns of Civil Engineering block at Covenant University Ota, using the Schmidt rebound hammer. It is aimed at determining variation in the concrete column strength of the HEI building in relation to standard compressive strength required of a concrete column. Data for the study was collected by carrying our Schmidt rebound hammer test (non-destructive test) on the concrete column within the study area and the rebound value (R) was measured to determine the present compressive strength of the concrete column. In carrying out this experiment, the standard experiment procedure of the Schmidt hammer test was followed. The analysis of the performed nondestructive test on the HEI concrete column was presented through tables and figures. The result of the study shows that there is variation in the compressive strength of the HEI concrete columns sampled using Schmidt rebound hammer test. The result indicated that the average compressive strength gotten through the rebound values of the sampled concrete columns compressive strength falls within the minimum required strength between 25N/mm2 and 30N/mm2 expected of a concrete column of an existing structure. The study therefore, concluded that the concrete columns of the HEI building sampled is safe, stable and it can satisfy the need for which it was built. Furthermore, because of it stability it can resist the load coming to it and this make it habitable for learning.

Original languageEnglish
Article number032004
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 18 Dec 2019
Event3rd International Conference on Engineering for Sustainable World, ICESW 2019 - Ota, Nigeria
Duration: 3 Jul 20198 Jul 2019


  • Concrete
  • Higher educational Institution
  • Schmidt Rebound Hammer

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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