A brief review on μSR studies of unconventional Fe- and Cr-based superconductors

A. Bhattacharyya, D. T. Adroja, M. Smidman, V. K. Anand

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27 Citations (Scopus)


Muon spin relaxation/rotation (μSR) is a vital technique for probing the superconducting gap structure, pairing symmetry and time reversal symmetry breaking, enabling an understanding of the mechanisms behind the unconventional superconductivity of cuprates and Fe-based high-temperature superconductors, which remain a puzzle. Very recently double layered Fe-based super- conductors having quasi-2D crystal structures and Cr-based superconductors with a quasi-1D structure have drawn considerable attention. Here we present a brief review of the characteristics of a few selected Fe- and Cr-based superconducting materials and highlight some of the major outstanding problems, with an emphasis on the superconducting pairing symmetries of these materials. We focus on μSR studies of the newly discovered superconductors ACa2Fe4As4F2 (A = K, Rb, and Cs), ThFeAsN, and A2Cr3As3 (A = K, Cs), which were used to determine the superconducting gap structures, the presence of spin fluctuations, and to search for time reversal symmetry breaking in the superconducting states. We also briefly discuss the results of μSR investigations of the superconductivity in hole and electron doped BaFe2As2.

Original languageEnglish
Article number127402
JournalScience China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2018


  • Cr-based superconductors
  • iron-based superconductors
  • muon spin rotation/relaxation
  • superconducting pairing symmetry
  • time reversal symmetry
  • unconventional superconductors

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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