Thermo Fisher ICP-MS with laser ablation

Facility/equipment: Equipment

    Equipments Details


    Our X-series ThermoElemental quadrupole based ICP-MS is attached to a New Wave UP-213 high-performance Nd:YAG deep UV (213nm) laser ablation system that provides flat craters and high absorption for the analysis of opaque and transparent materials alike. The deep UV 213nm wavelength produces a finer particle distribution. This increases transport efficiency of the aerosol resulting in better sensitivities and minimal deposits at the plasma. ICP-MS is the accepted and most powerful technique for the analysis and quantification of trace elements.

    Clean room with two quadrupole based ICP-MS’s (Induction Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer) equipped with:

    3rd generation collision cell technology utilising both He-H2 (typically used for mid mass elements) and He-NH3 (typically used for V analysis) gas mixtures which can also be set up in Energy Discrimination Mode (KED, typically used for As), all in one analysis
    External mass flow controllers for O2 (organics) and He (Laser ablation)
    Solution ICP-MS equipped with Cetac 100 autosampler as well as Peltier Spraychamber cooling system
    Laser ablation ICP-MS equipped with New wave UP-213 Nd:YAG laser ablation system

    Applications at SPECTRUM:

    Standard ICP-MS utilised for trace (less than 1ppm) to ultra trace (less than 1ppb) chemical analysis of isotopes in a variety of liquid matrices
    Laser ablation ICP-MS utilised for U-Pb dating of zircon and in situ determination of isotopes in a wide variety of solid matrices


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