Podiatry Clinic

    Facility/equipment: Facility

      Equipments Details



      The University Podiatry Clinic provides a comprehensive range of podiatry services including: Foot and lower-limb assessment. Treatment of lesions of the skin and nail, including:

      Corns, calluses, and nail problems
      Treatment of infections (e.g. plantar warts)
      Nail surgery
      Foot care and footwear education
      Biomechanical assessment
      Diabetic foot screening
      Foot wound management
      Assessment and management of the At-Risk Foot due to systemic pathology
      Insole and orthosis manufacture

      The following clinics are conducted each week during most of the year:

      Adult assessment and treatment
      Adult bio-mechanics and sports injuries
      Skin and nail surgery
      Paediatric (children)
      High risk feet, e.g. Diabetes


      Rates at this clinic are kept low to ensure availability to all sectors of the community and cannot be refunded by medical aids.


      The following clinics are conducted each week during most of the year:

      Adult assessment and treatment
      Adult bio-mechanics and sports injuries
      Skin and nail surgery
      Paediatric (children)
      High risk feet, e.g. Diabetes


      All services operate on an appointment basis and are offered at scheduled times.
      Monday: 10:00 – 13:00 (Pensioners clinic) 14:15 – 16:00 (Paediatric clinic)
      Tuesday: 09:00 – 12:00 (General clinic)
      Wednesday: 09:00 – 12:00 (General clinic)
      Thursday: 10:00 – 13:00 (Pensioners clinic)
      Friday: 09:00 – 12:00 (General and surgical clinics) 14:00 – 16:00 (Sports clinic)


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