Equipments Details
Equipped with:
1 vertically mounted WDS detector with LiF and PET diffracting crystals.
1 vertically mounted WDS detector with two high intensity LLiF and LPET diffracting crystals.
1 vertically mounted WDS detector with four standard diffracting crystals PET, TAP, PC1 (optimized for N and O) and PC2 (optimized for C and B).
1 vertically mounted WDS detector with four standard diffracting crystals TAP, PET, PC3 (optimized for Be) and PC) (optimized for F and O).
1 Bruker AXS XFLASH 4010 SDD EDS detector.
Polarizing optical microscope with transmitted and reflected light
SEI, BSE and CL detectors.
1 vertically mounted WDS detector with LiF and PET diffracting crystals.
1 vertically mounted WDS detector with two high intensity LLiF and LPET diffracting crystals.
1 vertically mounted WDS detector with four standard diffracting crystals PET, TAP, PC1 (optimized for N and O) and PC2 (optimized for C and B).
1 vertically mounted WDS detector with four standard diffracting crystals TAP, PET, PC3 (optimized for Be) and PC) (optimized for F and O).
1 Bruker AXS XFLASH 4010 SDD EDS detector.
Polarizing optical microscope with transmitted and reflected light
SEI, BSE and CL detectors.
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